

Adobe After Effects CS4 [MF]

Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard.

With Adobe After EffectsCS4 software, you can create compelling motion graphics
and blockbuster visual effects with flexible tools that help save you time and
deliver unparalleled creative power.

Timelines are searchable
Use QuickSearch to instantly locate any element or even missing footage in a comp
or project; navigate quickly between nested comps using the new Mini-Flowchart.

After Effects can import 3D layers from Photoshop
Import 3D models from Adobe Photoshop CS4, and then bring them into After Effects
to composite them with other elements, adjust lighting, and more.

After Effects is part of an end-to-end solution
Adobe provides end-to-end software solutions to deliver compelling experiences on
film, video, DVD, the web, and mobile devices.

Part06  Part07  Part08  Part09 

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